Kate Larson

Subscriber Exclusive

A Friendly Flock to Knit

Knit your own wooly companions with Nancy Bush’s Estonian sheep pattern.

Textured Tweed, Textured Stitches: 4 Tips for Knitted Bliss

Does your textured yarn outshine your cables? We're here to help.

Subscriber Exclusive

Gansey Yarn: Have You Tried 5-Ply?

Known for their strength and stitch definition, gansey yarns can be hard to find. A new Shetland 5-ply has launched, and we had to get on board!

Subscriber Exclusive

Pick a Palette: The North Road Hat and Tam O’Shanter

Boost your colorwork confidence with 4 tips for knitting Shetland-inspired hats.

The Natural Beauty of Shetland Yarns

The colors of Shetland’s sheep are a great source of knitterly inspiration. Hear how Gudrun Johnston uses naturals in color-filled palettes.

Subscriber Exclusive

What is Worsted-Spun?

Brooklyn Tweed Arbor is a worsted-spun DK-weight Targhee yarn; let’s take a closer look.

Tough as Targhee: Finewool of the West

Knit a finewool grown close to home: American Targhee.

Squishy Wools, Strong Twist, and Slipped Stitches

How does High Desert Worsted stand up to the give-and-take, push-and-pull of a slipped-stitch motif? Kate’s here to cast on.

Manos Milo: See What a Little Linen Can Do

Wool and flax are opposites in many ways. What happens when we mix them together into a knitting yarn?

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