A knitter’s toolbox of cast-ons, why you might choose one, and how to pick a favorite
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We're passionate about connecting you with local farms, natural fibers, shepherds, and designers who create beautiful, sustainable handknits.
Join us for a behind-the-scenes exploration of yarn and knitting at their most authentic. With must-knit projects and unforgettable stories, Farm & Fiber Knits invites you to see the craft world through fresh eyes.
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Take a close look at five common increases—which should you use? We'll show you both the knit side and purl side so you can choose the best increase for your next knit.
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Take a close look at five common increases—which should you use? We'll show you both the knit side and purl side so you can choose the best increase for your next knit.
Subscriber Exclusive
When the Banning family relocated from New York City to rural Dutchess County, they began raising a rare breed of black sheep. You'll want to see these beautiful fleeces!
Need a pop of color and a fun one-skein project? This cowl is perfect for marls, stripes, and more.
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Our recent photo shoots were shot on a real farm—of course! Meet shepherd Hope Horn, visit her shop Hope’s Favorite Things, and learn more about the beautiful Pennsylvania farm you’ve seen in Farm & Fiber Knits.
You don’t have to travel to the countryside to get a taste of farm life or see where your yarn originates. Fiber fests such as the New England Farm & Fiber Festival bring farmers and shepherds together in a venue where even urbanites can explore.
Subscriber Exclusive
Try these six hints for a functional cast-on for beautiful edges. Plus, a bonus shawl pattern for subscribers!
Historical patterns can teach us many more techniques to use on those pesky socks.
This prize pack includes the yarn and pattern for this cowl, so you can knit a darling sheepy flock!
Subscriber Exclusive
The long-tail tubular cast-on is quick, fun, and gives a professional edge. What’s not to love?
The Diné designer brings inspiration from her home and heritage to her handknitting designs and beyond.