If you’re looking for a fun hat pattern to knit for yourself or a loved one, look no further than Tressa Weidenaar’s Homelands Hat. Knit from brim to crown with bands of stranded colorwork diamonds and no more than two colors per round, it’s an eye-catching accessory you’ll reach for all season long!
Symbols of Home
While diamond patterns exist in many textile designs, they hold a special meaning in the Homelands Hat. Tressa writes:
Diamonds in Navajo weaving can mean different things, but I like the idea of them representing the land that is Navajo country. There are four mountains that surround the Navajo Nation, one in each cardinal direction, which can be seen as a diamond shape. I think of these diamonds as a way to remind ourselves and others that there is a homeland for the Navajo people that is very important (the repeating patterns emphasize that), and this homeland still exists today. This land is also where my heart is, as I love my homeland and like to create designs that remind me of where I come from.
While the diamond pattern in the Homelands Hat may appear simple, it holds deep meaning.
Wool with Purpose
The Homelands Hat is knit with Peace Fleece Worsted Weight, a blend of 50 percent Navajo Rambouillet, 30 percent domestic fine wool, and 20 percent Mohair. Peace Fleece works to offer fair market prices for wool raised by families in the Navajo Nation. This yarn is lightweight and tweedy, with a slight halo from the Mohair content.
The Homelands Hat uses three colors of Peace Fleece.
Coordinating Colors
To create the diamond colorwork pattern in the Homelands Hat, you’ll need at least two colors of yarn. With your leftovers, you can make a second hat in a reverse color pattern. Or, buy a third skein of yarn to create an added pop of color in the center of each diamond shape, and you’ll have enough yarn to make a third hat by rotating the colors of the motif. The result is something you and your friends will all enjoy!
You'll have enough yarn left over to knit another hat (or two) by changing your main and contrasting colors.
Cast One On Today!
Whether you knit one, two, three, or more, the Homelands Hat is an essential knit this season. Start yours today!