Farm & Fiber Knits Abbreviations

Looking for the meanings behind those abbreviations? You’ve come to the right place!

Farm & Fiber Knits Editors May 1, 2023 - 5 min read

Farm & Fiber Knits Abbreviations Primary Image

Knitting a Towline Hat. Photo by Kate Larson

beg—begin(s); beginning

BO—bind off

Cables—See below

CC—contrasting color



cn—cable needle

CO—cast on

cont—continue(s); continuing

dc—double crochet

dc3tog—double crochet 3 stitches together

dec(s) (’d)—decrease(s); decreased; decreasing

dpn—double-pointed needle(s)

fsc—foundation single crochet

foll—follow(s); following

hdc—half double crochet

inc(s) (’d)—increase(s); increased; increasing


kwise—knitwise; as if to knit

k1b—knit 1 in row below

k1f&b—knit into the front and back of the same stitch—1 stitch increased

k2tog—knit 2 stitches together

k3tog—knit 3 stitches together

k5tog—knit 5 stitches together

LLI—insert left needle into back of the stitch below stitch just knitted, knit this stitch



MC—main color

M1—make one (increase)

M1L—(make 1 left) lift the running thread between the stitch just worked and the next stitch from front to back, and knit into the back of this thread

M1Lp-(make 1 left purl) lift the running thread between the stitch just worked and the next stitch from front to back, and purl into the back of this thread

M1R—(make 1 right) lift the running thread between the stitch just worked and the next stitch from back to front, and knit into the front of this thread

M1Rp—(make 1 right purl) lift the running thread between the stitch just worked and the next stitch from back to front, and purl into the front of this thread


p1b—purl 1 in row below

p2tog—purl 2 stitches together

p3tog—purl 3 stitches together

p4tog—purl 4 stitches together

p5tog—purl 5 stitches together

p7tog—purl 7 stitches together


pm—place marker


psso—pass slipped stitch over

p2sso—pass 2 slipped stitches over

pwise—purlwise; as if to purl

rem—remain(s); remaining

rep(s)—repeat(s); repeating

rev St st—reverse stockinette stitch (p rightside rows; k wrong-side rows)

RLI—knit into the back of stitch (in the “purl bump”) in the row directly below the stitch on the left needle


RS—right side

s2kp2—slip 2 as if to knit 2 together, knit 1, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch; centered double decrease

sc—single crochet

sc2tog—[insert hook in next stitch, yarn over and pull up loop] 2 times (3 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook (1 stitch decreased)


skp—slip 1 knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over (1 stitch decreased)

sk2p—slip 1 knitwise, knit 2 stitches together, pass slipped stitch over (2 stitches decreased)


sl st—slip(ped) stitch


ssk—slip 1 knitwise, slip 1 knitwise, knit 2 slipped stitches together through back loops (decrease)

sssk—slip 3 stitches one at a time as if to knit, insert the point of the left needle into front of slipped stitches, and knit these 3 stitches together through their back loops (decrease)

ssp—slip 1 knitwise, slip 1 knitwise, purl 2 slipped stitches together through back loops (decrease)


St st—stockinette stitch

tbl—through back loop

tch—turning chain


tr—treble crochet

tr2tog—treble crochet 2 together

tr3tog—treble crochet 3 together

tr4tog—treble crochet 4 together

ttr—triple treble crochet

WS—wrong side

wyb—with yarn in back

wyf—with yarn in front


yo twice—bring yarn forward, wrap it counterclockwise around the right needle, and bring it forward again to make two wraps around the right needle

*—repeat starting point

( )—alternate measurements and/or instructions

[ ]—work bracketed instructions a specified number of times


Knitted cables can lean to the left (L) or right (R) and are typically created using a cable needle (cn). Cables can be worked using equal number of stitches, such as 2/2 or 1/1 in the following manner:

X/X LC—sl X sts to cn, hold in front, kX, kX from cn.

X/X RC—sl X sts to cn, hold in back, kX, kX from cn.

X/X LPC—sl X sts to cn, hold in front, kX, pX from cn.

X/X RPC—sl X sts to cn, hold in back, kX, pX from cn.

Cables can be worked using unequal number of stitches, such as 2/1 or 1/2 in the following manner:

X/Y LC—sl X sts to cn, hold in front, kY sts, kX from cn.

X/Y RC—sl X sts to cn, hold in back, kY sts, kX from cn.

The following combination of cables are found in the Subscriber access area of Spin Off epatterns Towline Hat:

1/1 RC—sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k1, k1 from cn

1/1 LC—sl 1 st onto cn, hold in front, k1, k1 from cn

1/1 RPC—sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k1, p1 from cn

1/1 LPC—sl 1 st onto cn, hold in front, p1, k1 from cn

2/1 RC—sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k2, k1 from cn

2/1 LC—sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, k1, k2 from cn

2/1 RPC—sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k2, p1 from cn

2/1 LPC—sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, p1, k2 from cn

2/2 RC—sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in back, k2, k2 from cn

2/2 LC—sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, k2, k2 from cn

2/2 RPC—sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in back, k2, p2 from cn

2/2 LPC—sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, p2, k2 from cn