What’s in your travel knitting bag?

It’s time for summer getaways! Three tips to taking your projects on-the-go.

Katrina King May 23, 2024 - 3 min read

What’s in your travel knitting bag? Primary Image

This summer’s travel knitting, a pair of mitts using Double Moss stitch in Little Squirrel Yarn. Photos by Katrina King

Summer is just around the corner, which means time for travel. After planning the trip, the hardest part for me is packing, and I don’t mean my clothes. Choosing what projects to work on while I travel is my greatest downfall, as I always pack too much. I have gotten better over the years as our travel has increased, and this is what I have learned about taking my knitting on the road.

Keep It Small

I love to knit large shawls, but there is no room for them on a plane. Small projects such as socks, mitts, headbands, or modular pieces to sew together later are perfect flying projects. They take up a minimal amount of room in your bag, require small amounts of yarn, and are easy to put down when they finally call your boarding group.

Keep It Simple

As much as I love complex patterning, be it swarming in cables or full of lace, trying to concentrate on these motifs and be aware of my surroundings and time is difficult. Knitting simple patterns on the go makes it easier to keep my place and the knitting relaxing. It also reduces the need to frog a piece once I get home and find that I worked more repeats on my cabled sweater front than the back. If you are determined to work from charts, snap a photo on your phone. You might not have access to the internet for knitting apps, taking that flight from long to eternal.

Pack the Essentials

I love my knitting toys—er, I mean tools. When traveling, the less I pack, the less likely I am to lose one of the items I hold dear. This means leaving some favorites at home and only taking the essentials. My three must-haves are tiny scissors for clipping yarn, a tape measure (so I know how long my socks need to be without taking my shoes off on the plane), and locking stitch markers, as they are versatile and don’t fly off my needles. Always double-check TSA regulations for carrying scissors on board before you depart!

My absolute essentials for travel knitting.

Safe travels wherever they may take you this summer, be it to family celebrations or fabulous fiber festivals to meet up with knitting friends.

Don’t forget to keep your yarn under control to avoid what happened to Crazy Clips!

Looking for a pattern for your summer travels? Try the Heartwarming Mitts from our library. Not a member? Join the community!

Katrina King is the assistant editor of PieceWork, an avid crafter, and continuing student of life.